Fernando Berzal Galiano
Research Projects | MSc. Theses | Software Development Projects

Research projects

Semantic Concept Modeling for Digital Image Characterization:
Application to Linguistic Description and Visual Information Retrieval

Modelado de conceptos sem�nticos para la caracterizaci�n de im�genes digitales:
Aplicaci�n a la descripci�n lingu�stica y recuperaci�n de informaci�n visual

Funding entity Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science
"Plan Nacional de I+D+i" TIN2009-08296
Project duration 2010 - 2012
Project coordinator Daniel S�nchez Fern�ndez, Ph.D.
Participating entities
  • Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Universidad de Granada
  • Department of Software Engineering, Universidad de Granada
  • Lazy Objects in Data Integration

    Representaci�n y manipulaci�n de objetos imperfectos en problemas de integraci�n de datos

    Funding entity Junta de Andalucia P07-TIC-03175
    Project duration 2008 - 2011
    Project coordinator Nicolas Marin, Ph.D.
    Participating entities
  • Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Universidad de Granada
  • ...
  • Anomaly detection and subgroup discovery in Databases:
    Application to scientific experimentation

    Detecci�n de anomal�as y subgrupos en bases de datos: Aplicaci�n a la experimentaci�n cient�fica

    Funding entity Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
    "Plan Nacional de I+D+i" TIN2006-07262
    Project duration 2007 - 2009
    Project coordinator Juan Carlos Cubero Talavera, Ph.D.
    Participating entities
  • Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Universidad de Granada
  • Department of Business and Economics, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha
  • Research Unit, "Virgen de las Nieves" Hospital (Granada)
  • Neuroscience research groups, Universidad de Murcia & Universidad de Almer�a
  • Semantic management of document data with Soft Computing techniques:
    Application to authority control

    Gesti�n sem�ntica de datos documentales mediante t�cnicas de Soft Computing: Aplicaci�n al control de autoridades

    Funding entity Junta de Andaluc�a - Plan Andaluz de Investigaci�n
    Excellence Project P06-TIC-01433
    Peoject duration 2007 - 2010
    Project coordinator Mar�a Amparo Vila Miranda, Ph.D.
    Participating entities
  • Universidad de Granada
    Data Mining for users in different application domains

    MINDAT-PLUS: MINeria de DATos Para Los USuarios en diferentes �reas de aplicaci�n

    Funding entity Junta de Andaluc�a
    Excellence Project P05-TIC-00531
    Project duration March 2006 - February 2009
    Project coordinator Francisco Herrera Triguero, Ph.D.
    Participating entities 10 research groups from 7 Andalusian universities (UGR, UMA, US, UH, UA, UJ & UCO)

    Information and Knowledge Fusion
    in Hospital and Medical Emergencies Environments

    "Fusi�n de Informaci�n y Conocimiento en el �mbito Hospitalario y de Urgencias M�dicas"

    Funding entity Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology
    "Programa Nacional de Tecnolog�as de la Informaci�n y las Comunicaciones"
  • PROFIT Project FIT-070000-2001-792 (January-December 2001)
  • PROFIT Project FIT-070000-2003-961 (January-December 2003)
    Part of the European Union EUREKA #2235 Project (IKF: Intelligent Knowledge Fusion)
  • Project duration 2001, 2003
    Project coordinator Juan Carlos Cubero Talavera, Ph.D.
    Participating entities
  • Universidad de Granada
  • Empresa P�blica de Emergencias Sanitarias
  • Hospital Cl�nico San Cecilio
  • Soft Data Server:
    Soft-computing-based Object-Relational Database Server Model

    "Soft Data Server: Modelo de servidor de bases de datos objeto-relacionales basado en soft computing"

    Funding entity Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology
    "Programa Nacional de Tecnolog�as de la Informaci�n y las Comunicaciones"
    CYCIT Project TIC2002-00480
    Project duration December 1, 2002 - November 30, 2005
    Project coordinator Juan Miguel Medina Rodr�guez, Ph.D.
    Participating entities
  • Universidad de Granada
  • An Intelligent System for Decision Making
    in the Agricultural Environment of the Spanish Southeast

    "Sistema Inteligente para la Toma de Decisiones en el entorno Agr�cola del Sudeste Espa�ol"

    Funding entity European Union
    FEDER Programme
    Project 1FD97-0255-C03-02
    Project duration December 1998 - December 2001
    Project coordinator Mar�a Amparo Vila Miranda, Ph.D.
    Participating entities
  • Universidad de Granada

    MSc. Theses

    Frequent Tree Pattern Mining

    Identificaci�n de Patrones Frecuentes en �rboles

    Student A�da �ngela Jim�nez Moscoso del Prado
    Advisors Fernando Berzal Galiano
    Juan Carlos Cubero Talavera
    Ph.D. Program Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci�n e Inteligencia Artificial
    Universidad de Granada, December 2007

    Class-Complexity-Sensitive Models

    Modelos Sensibles a la Complejidad por Clase

    Student Jos� Luis Polo Garc�a
    Advisors Juan Carlos Cubero Talavera
    Fernando Berzal Galiano
    Ph.D. Program Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci�n e Inteligencia Artificial
    Universidad de Granada, December 2007

    Analysis of Train Traffic Flow Using Non-Supervised Data Mining Techniques

    Student Adris Mohamed Abd El Azim
    Advisors Fernando Berzal Galiano
    Francisco Javier Calvo Poyo
    Ph.D. Program Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci�n e Inteligencia Artificial
    Universidad de Granada, September 2010

    Model-Based Language Specification

    Especificaci�n de Lenguajes basada en Metamodelos

    Student Luis Quesada Torres
    Advisors Fernando Berzal Galiano
    Juan Carlos Cubero Talavera
    Ph.D. Program Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci�n e Inteligencia Artificial
    Universidad de Granada, December 2010


    Software Development Projects


    TMiner collects some Data Mining algorithms which might prove useful to interpret huge datasets and discover associations among the data stored in databases. TMiner is implemented in Java and works on relational databases through JDBC, the Java standards CLI [call-level interface].

    TMiner allows the user to perform standard SQL quesries, import and export data, build classification models, and extract association rules using Apriori or TBAR (Fernando Berzal, Juan Carlos Cubero, Nicol�s Mar�n & Jos� Mar�a Serrano: "TBAR: An efficient method for association rule mining in relational databases", Data & Knowledge Engineering, vol. 37, pp. 47-64, 2001). TMiner lets you build classification models such as decision trees (as those built using ID3 or C4.5). It also incorporates other machine learning techniques such as rule inducers (AQ and CN2) and algorithms to build partial classification models using association rules.



    Numerical Cruncher

    Numerical Cruncher [NC]] is a Java 2 applet/application which collects some of the most important algorithms used in Pattern Recognition. This software package includes several classification methods, both parametric (linear and quadratic, for example) and non-parametric (k-NN, LVQ, or DSM). NC also implements some clustering techniques (such as the Batchelor-Wilkins' algorithm, the ubiquitous K-Means, a GRASP algorithm which improves K-Means, and the more complex ISODATA). Numerical Cruncher is bilingual (English and Spanish) and includes HTML help for both English and Spanish.

    NC is able to read ASCII files (as C4.5 or LVQ_PAK), as well as raw images. It can also access to local or remote databases using JDBC JDBC [Java DataBase Connectivity], the standard database access interface for the Java platform. When NC is run as an applet, it can obtain input data only through JDBC (due to Java security constraints). Numerical Cruncher seamlessly integrated with TMiner Personal Edition.


    SEA: Software Engineer Assistant

    Integrated version control, defect tracking, and time accounting system aimed to facilitate software development project management. Originally developed in C++Builder, it stores all relevant data in a relational database (InterBase) and is able to work with zipped files.

    SEA version control or software configuration management subsystem allows, among other things, to categorize software componentes (in order to foster reuse), specify relationships and dependencies among components, and automatically restore the project state at a given date, as well as the usual check-in and check-out operations.

    SEA defect tracking subsystem manages software bugs and error reports, maintenance requests and software-related risks. Each SPR [Software Problem Report] can be linked to particular components and versions stored by the version control subsystem, thus speeding up the management of all the information related to software development projects.

    Finally, SEA human resource subsystem can be used to keep a time log, which is an unvaluable resource for time accounting, invoicing, and future project cost and effort estimation.


    I2R: Intelligent Information Retrieval

    Information retrieval system based on SIRE [Scalable Information Retrieval Engine]. It uses an inverted index to answer users' queries and allows users to experiment with different criteria to match their queries against the documents in the database. It can also employ stemming and stop words. I2R is able to index files (in ASCII or HTML format) as well as the content of any relational database.

    A set of Java servlets lets I2R integrate with existing document databases and deploy a complete information retrieval system for digital libraries, where documents can be found by search (using keywords and boolean queries) or exploration (browsing category hierarchies). The I2R system is even able to suggest related categories without human intervention.


    Berzal @ Imagen


    Berzal@Imagen is an open-source application which collects some of the most-widely used algorithms in Image Processing and Computer Vision: image editing, smoothing, sharpening, histogram manipulation, equalization, contrast enhancement, morphology, segmentation, edge and line detection, several filters, Fourier and Hough transforms, wavelets, etc.. All the algorithms are implemented in ANSI C and a graphical user interface was developed using Borland C++Builder. Additional information regarding to the collected algorithms can be found in the following references:

    • A. K. JAIN: "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing", Prentice Hall, 1989.
    • J. R. PARKER: "Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision", John Wiley & Sons, 1997




    Small dBase-like program for MS-DOS which allows you to manage your own databases (creation, updates, efficient search, even a restricted form of referential integrity). The libraries which manage the data files are written in ANSI C and have been successfully used in several projects. The program, as it is freely available, was compiled using the Watcom C/C++ compiler.